Bantam Cochins
Link to Purchase Below
At Crazy Glamorous Chickens, we work with a few different colors of Bantam Cochins.
- Calico​/Mille - I have Frizzle and Smooth. Calico/Millie Boys over Smooth and Frizzle Calico/Millie Hens.
- Lemon Blue/Lemon Splash - Lemon Splash Boys over Lemon Blue & Lemon Splash Girls.
- Self Blue (Lavender) - Lavender Boys over Lavender Girls & one Black Split to Lavender Girl.
- Bobtail - These have there own page. However, I do not have eggs available at this time.
Please Note: All egg orders are PREORDERS. What does Preorder mean? It means that all orders ship in the order they were paid. It means that your eggs ship out to you as they become available.
I am not responsible once eggs leave my hands. I can not guarantee your hatch rate with shipped eggs. Everyone uses different incubation practices therefore, I am not responsible if eggs do not hatch.
Shipping can cause detached air cells, scrambled air cells, and eggs to not develop. Just because an egg does not develop does not mean that eggs were not fertile. Shipping eggs can cause them not to develop. I am not at fault for egg not hatching.
I do guarantee that your eggs will arrive unbroken. If eggs arrive broken, please contact me.